Why "Mind the Gap"?  

A multilateral Comenius project (2011-2013) which will enable students to bridge the gap by celebrating their differences and sharing their common worries!


          Six Countries - Six Visits - Journey of a Lifetime   

          if you get on the Comenius Train across borders


Everyone sees the world through an individual and unique lens. Growing up in different surroundings offers individuals diverse experiences and distinct perspectives. Familiarity of different contexts can mean that two people – or even large groups of people – will interpret the world and how it works differently.

    All cultures have value. People can derive benefit in terms of inner development from any culture. However, transporting rules and customs from one culture into another can create problems. Confusion can result when one uses language and cultural metaphors and philosophies out of context. When people are respectful of other's differences, they can be receptive and open-minded to lessons learned from other cultures. The process of learning can be greatly enhanced as lessons learned appeal to specific aspects of their own culture, religion or personal experience.

    Our main goal is for students to overcome prejudices about foreigners and foreign customs. They will learn more about their own culture and that of others by means of comparison and investigation on everyday life topics.

    We wish them to understand that despite differences, because they are European , they all belong to the same community. Thus, their differences should be seen as an asset rather than an obstacle. This project will help them realize that, without neglecting their roots, they belong to a European community which exists beyond frontiers.

     And if the GAP is a symbol of differences or the fear of crossing IT,we invite all our students to get on this COMENIUS TRAIN to broaden their horizons and make real friendships beyond the borders of their country.